Radiator replacement option

parrot wrote a guide on how to install a radiator from a Toyota Camry V6. A very useful find for those aging AE86 radiators. Check it!

Toymods also added to the links.

BT 20V to AE86 wiring

nixeighty6 also wrote a Blacktop to AE86 wiring guide. Check.

20v water lines in an AE86

nixeighty6 wrote a pretty cool DIY water lines guide for putting a 20v 4AGE into the hachi roku. Over here!


AZ = Arizona, right? Check out their forum!



The MidWest's 4AG forum! For you guys in the Mid-West part of the village.

To the links!


HachiRoku.net got a pretty active forum. Lot of Club4AG users went there when Club4AG was down. Check, Check it!

Added to the links.

East Coast Toyotas

Check out East Coast Toyotas! Lots of tech on 20v & more + their own forum.

Added to the links.

Dreams of Drifting

Check out Mig's site. Lots of information on how to make it through the winter or just through the week on your 20+ year old pile of scrap metal on wheels. Fun reading too!

Dreams of Drifting...

AE86 SR-5 to GT-S swap

assassin10000 has written a thorough guide on changing the SR-5 to a real GT-S, for you that live in the village of America. Believe me, it's more than just the engine! Clicky here.

Thank you assassin10000!

DG-5 Coilover install

driffIN got Alex of Battle Version to install his new DG-5 set while he took pictures. Check out his guide on C4AG!